Welcome to The Portal
Lisa Miller
I’m so happy you are here. That you’ve said ‘yes!’ and walked through that metaphorical opening where the light shines in and illuminates the journey.
THE PORTAL is the place where life is high vibe, inspired by spirit and filled with magic. Where we experience the sheer beauty and transformative power of art. Where we travel with our fellow seekers on the path of personal growth, exploring the realm of creative expression and spiritual connection.
The Place Where The Light Shines In
THE PORTAL is more than just a newsletter. It is the entrance into a sacred space where art meets life. It offers exclusive access to my studio where I make paintings and art objects, inspired by beauty and moments of transcendence in our daily experience. THE PORTAL is a dispatch from my private atelier that gives you behind the scenes access to my creative process and the deeper meaning behind my art.
THE PORTAL is the place where I write about the unique journey and practices of life as an artist. As I encounter ongoing inspiration and insights, I’ll share my discoveries here - including poems and reflections, revelations and illuminations - from my explorations and from like-minded souls who have walked the journey before us - in contemplating and creating a life of meaning and substance.
“I Can See Farther Into Paintings”
I love poetry because it speaks to the invisibles in life. Things that matter deeply and give our lives meaning - love, trust, faith, hope, imagination, yearnings, creativity, consciousness. That which we cannot see, but we can feel. Invisibles exist in the space between things, in those moments of pause and reflection in our daily life. When we take a moment to shift our focus to that which we cannot see, we open ourselves to fresh inspiration to create our lives like a brand new canvas that we are given each day, upon which to paint our masterpiece.
My art is also about the invisibles. A painting is an object of immense beauty and inherent value. But is it not also something tangible that touches the intangible? An aesthetic experience that connects with a place deep inside us - something unique to each of us, something in potential, that wants to be awakened and brought to the light of consciousness. That it is our life’s true purpose to bring it to life in its fullest development through us. I believe this is the path to true happiness.
I have been told many times by my collectors that my art has this ability to touch something deep inside, and reflect back the essence of that invisible thing, an answer or illumination, to the person. It is when these nascent energies reveal themselves to us - a gift we can receive, trust and follow like a path of stepping stones that appear with each step we take - that we see our soul’s guidance. By going deeper “to see farther into paintings” and ourselves, we find the true meaning of our lives, and in concert with inspiration, we forge the way ahead.
Let Your Soul Grow
I’m reminded of a favorite saying: “You can’t fix what is already good. And that is the Soul.” We just have to feed it and help it grow. Nurture, cultivate, create supportive conditions inside ourselves and around ourselves.
That is what THE PORTAL is about. An email like none other, filled with art and inspiration that speaks to the soul, uplifts the spirit, feeds your inner seed so you can flourish in creating the life you are meant to live, with connection to your true self and others in the world, and in harmony with the spirit of the greater universe.
So, here we are. At the beginning of a brand new journey, an auspicious “opening” to take a moment, let the proverbial light shine in, and step into a higher perspective.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. Until next time…
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